"To think too long about doing a thing often becomes its undoing, " or so said Eva Young.
Now in all truthfulness, I just googled quotes on procrastination and in about 2seconds found the above. I have no idea who Eva Young is other than doesn't everyone want to be 4 Eva Young*? But since none of us can actually control time, it seems to be a fitting quotation on procrastination and life.
So welcome back! Aren't you glad you waded through that mess above? I know I am! So here's to the journey of the written word. With apologies for my long absence (though I think only my mom and a few dear friends actually read this blog) and a promise to have more timely posts and less spelling errors, I am so excited to share some of my life on these pages again. God has been ever-watchful over me. In all His greatness, He has brought me into a new, rich period of studying and loving His Word.
Though I am so excited to start spilling out my every thought and new exciting life-discovery, I must hold myself accountable (because He does) to 1 Corinthians 1:31 ~ "Let him who boasts boast in the Lord." A convicting verse because I am often guilty of liking the sound of my own voice and thoughts; this is a Babylonian-type attitude (more to come on my study of Daniel!!!!) that as a Daughter of Zion I desire to flee from.
I got to spend a morning of sweetness--a true gift from my loving Savior--studying Beth Moore's Daniel study, drinking a delicious Orange Cream Milktea and eating breakfast at Tully's Coffee in Yokosuka, Japan, and watching a busy intersection below my 2nd story perch from the coffee shop. Here is a picture I snapped--it was still early so not a ton of people yet--but it shows Seiyu (with the red sign) across the street where I buy most of my groceries!
*for your listening pleasure: here is a link to Forever Young (sung by Alphaville--one of my favorites). http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RHIIATt0BaM&feature=related
It sounds so sad... mostly because so many people don't grasp the reality of living forever with our Heavenly Father! Can I get an "AMEN!"
*for your listening pleasure: here is a link to Forever Young (sung by Alphaville--one of my favorites). http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RHIIATt0BaM&feature=related
It sounds so sad... mostly because so many people don't grasp the reality of living forever with our Heavenly Father! Can I get an "AMEN!"
I just read this post. Funny, witty and clever. Forever Young...what a great song.